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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Broad-winged Skipper and American Copper

Hello all,
I snuck up to the Oak Opennings to try to photograph broad-winged skipper, which I was unsuccessfull at a week ago, and I had modest success.  After working for two hours in one spot with about 5-6 broad-wingeds I finally got one to sit for a photo.  Also later I ran into this nice American copper, common at Kitty Todd, but always a fun find.  Things are staring to wind down in this big year, and its time to start looking for southern strays.  Hopefully the fiery's, sachems, little yellows, and cloudless sulphurs will start showing up!
Broad-Winged Skipper

American Copper

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stuff from the past two weeks

Hello all,
I haven't been out much lately, but I do have a few pics from the past couple of weeks:  The pics are from Kitty Todd Nature Preserve on July 7th and from Kiser Lake Wetlands in Champaign County on the 9th.
Things are slowing down now, but I still need a few summer species and then hopefully the southern strays will show up!
Acadian Hairstreak, Kitty Todd Nature Preserve

Black Dash from Kitty Todd

Northern Broken Dash, Kitty Todd

Dion Skipper Kiser Lake Wetlands

Dukes' Skipper, Kiser Lake

Horace's Duskywing, Kitty Todd

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A side trip to Michigan

Hello all,
I took a day off work Saturday to go fen hopping in Michigan.  I was able to get 3 lifers, dorcas copper, mustard white, and poweshiek skipperling.  It was an awesome trip, though it was definitely the most physically demanding butterflying I have ever done.  None the less here are some pics:
Edward's Hairstreak

Dorcas Copper- A lifer!!!!

Poweshiek Skipperling - another lifer and a really rare species

Mustard White - another lifer, but the only one that wasn't cooperative for a photo

Chalk-fronted Corporal- not a butterfly, but a lifer dragonfly for me!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fen Hoppin

Hello all, this week I was given the opportunity to atlas in the off limits section of Honda of America.  I didn't find any rare birds besides a nice blue grosbeak, but I found a huge colony of Dukes Skippers.  There were at least 30 of them.  I also visited Gramp's fen earlier in the week and had some other cools wetland bugs, so I thought I do a hodge-podge post of the pics.....
Coral Hairstreak

Delaware Skipper

Delaware Skipper, note the black veins in the wing..

Dukes' Skipper, my favorite skipper by far!

Another Dukes'

This is what the Dukes' look like from above

Question mark, note the white question mark

Mulberry Wing Skipper - there are a lot of these at Shively Fen

Striped Hairstreak- I can't figure out if this guy is brand spanking new or if the flash screwed up;ideas?
I hate putting two post on one day, but I have been out atlasing everyday and I have had very little free time lately, so don't miss the metalmark post below!

A tale of two metalmarks

Hello all,
In the last couple of days I have had the great joy of visiting both  Northern Metalmark and Swamp Metalmark colonies in West-Central Ohio.  They are both very rare(especially the swamps), but I thought I'd share a few photos of both in similar poses.

Northern Metalmark on black-eyed Susan

Swamp metalmark on Shrubby Cinquifoil

Northern Metalmark

Swamp Metalmark